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Franko from A to Z : Сatalog for the exhibition

The «Franko from A to Z» project is an interactive mobile maze exhibition that based on the English alphabet principle, presents the iconic figure of Ivan Franko and the significant phenomena of Ukrainian culture, according to the historical and socio-cultural context, for the vast general of the European public.

Translation: Marta Gosowska, Olena Rushchak, Kora Duncan.

Text by Bohdan Tykholoz, Natalia Tykholoz; graphic design by Roman Romanyshyn, Andrii Lesiv. Lviv [Lviv National Literary and Memorial Museum of Ivan Franko], 2019 – 64 p., ill. (Серія «Бібліотека Дому Франка». Вип. 5).

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Franko made in the U.S.S.R