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Prophet or heretic? The religious worldview of Ivan Franko and his relations with the clergy

The book presents complex research on the nature and evolution of Ivan Franko’s religious worldview. The monograph unfolds Ivan Franko’s worldview in the context of wider processes such as modernization, spread of new ideologies, Ukrainian national movement development, as well as challenges for the Greek-Catholic Church. A lot of attention is paid to the development of the poet’s relations with the Greek Catholic clergy, particularly, the two Metropolitans – Sylvester Sembratovych and Andrey Sheptytskyi. The author tries to answer the question: why one of the national prophets was a heretic for several of the Greek Catholic clergy? How has this attitude evolved since the times of Franko to the present day? Where are the points of contact, where traditions meet modernity?

Lviv [Ukrainian Catholic University Publishing House], 2023. 424 p. + 16 ill. (Series “Franko House Library”. Issue 16).

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Віктор Гюго. Ватерлоо

Украдене щастя, 1894

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