The Franko House boasts a successful track record of implementing cultural projects. This area of the museum’s activities is of particular importance to us, as it allows us to implement certain ideas, formulate how relevant and important they are to society, unite the team while working on the project, and, of course, achieve concrete results. All of these initiatives have some financial support from various foundations, organizations, Lviv city and regional councils, private sponsors, and other donors.
FRANKODATA: OPEN DIGITAL MUSEUM is a comprehensive project of the Lviv National Literary and Memorial Museum of Ivan Franko in cooperation with the Institute of Franko Studies of Ivan Franko Lviv National University. The project includes a range of activities aimed at restoration, digitization and online representation of both partner institutions’ collections for further use in museum and scholarly research activities and Franko’s creative legacy popularization in Ukraine and worldwide using modern technologies. During the project, 116 museum items were restored, 1200 storage units were digitized and made available online in a digital database on the updated website of the Museum, as well as in the format of an exhibition project and a printedcatalog. Also, a program of accompanying scholarly, educational and informational events was implemented. The project has been realised with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.

FRANKO HOUSE GARDEN: ECOLOGY AND CULTURE is a reproduction of a memorial garden that Ivan Franko planted with his sons around their freshly built villa. The project has been realised within the contest program Zero Waste meets Culture in Lviv, implemented with the support of Austrian Cooperation Office Lviv and Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.
«FRANKO MADE IN THE U.S.S.R.» (2021) is an exhibitional and enlightening project about reinterpretation of created in the Soviet Union image of Franko as one of “pillars” of hybrid Soviet-Ukrainian identity. is an exhibitional and enlightening project about reinterpretation of created in the Soviet Union image of Franko as one of “pillars” of hybrid Soviet-Ukrainian identity. Contest program of Lviv City Council Focus on culture.

FRANKO MUSE GARDEN: SCULPTURE + LITERATURE is an innovative art space – the first and currently the only one in Lviv sculpture garden, situated on the premises next to Lviv National Literary and Memorial Museum of Ivan Franko. It is a comfortable, aesthetic and hospitable zone of creativite and dialogue, the result of a well-thought-out interaction of landscape, space and light design tools, a synthesis of the arts: sculpture, literature, architecture, music. The project has been realised with Lviv public budget funds.

FRANKO. Re:volution
FRANKO. Re:volution is a cross-sectoral culturally-enlightening and artistic project of the Franko House, aimed at the update of Ivan Franko’s creative phenomenon as a significant figure in Ukrainian and world culture in modern context on the occasion of his 165th anniversary. The leading idea of the project is a need of revolutionary renewal of a public perception of the writer-classic’s figure, as well as radical review of profane stereotypes regarding conservatively-provincial nature of Ukrainian culture in general and development of innovative formats of anniversaries commemoration, free from post-Soviet clichés. The project realization included three main parts: 1. Modern art exhibition Franko Laboratorium 3.0 on the basis of Lviv National Literary and Memorial Museum of Ivan Franko, partner institutions and Lviv public spaces. 2. Musically-poetically-theatrical event Legend about Eternal Life in Lviv Opera Theatre and Kyiv Theatre of Operetta, performed by ethnic band Kurbasy, directed by Oleksandr Bilozub, a leading director and stage designer of the national theatres of Ukraine and Hungary. 3. Accompanying scholarly and educational program Why poets? Franko & Co (dialogues-reflections with prominent modern intellectuals). The project has been realised with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.

Franko Laboratorium 3.0
An exhibition of contemporary art based at the Ivan Franko National Literary and Memorial Museum in Lviv, partner institutions, and public spaces in Lviv.
The legend of eternal life
A musical, poetic, and theatrical performance at the Lviv Opera and Kyiv Operetta Theater with the participation of the Kurbasy ethnic group, directed by Oleksandr Bilozub, a leading director and art director of the national theaters of Ukraine and Hungary.
Why poets? Franko & Co
The accompanying scientific and educational program includes dialogues and reflections with prominent intellectuals of our time.
PEOPLE’S MUSEUM: HOME. TEMPLE. FORUM is a program of anniversary events to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Lviv National Literary and Memorial Museum of Ivan Franko and the 130th anniversary of Petro Franko’s birthday, aimed at establishing socially significant role of memorial museums in the cultural policy of the city. Contest program of Lviv City Council Focus on culture.
FRANKOMANDRY+ is a unique intersectoral project, the idea of which unites creative partners who presented Ivan Franko’s historical life period in modern tourist routes via interactive technologies. The aim of the project was not only to research and study Ivan Franko’s travel and literary routes, but to develop on this basis modern interactive tourist itineraries that would boost up the Museum’s and its main hero’s popularization, as well as promote tourist business in Ukraine. The project has been realised with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.
An interactive, mobile maze exhibition with an area of 66 square meters. m, which, based on the principle of the English-language alphabet, presents the iconic figure of Ivan Franko and iconic phenomena of Ukrainian culture, according to the historical and socio-cultural context, to the general public of the European community. Within the project, a tour of the exhibition-maze has been organized around European capital cities: Lviv (Ukraine) – Budapest (Hungary) – Vienna (Austria) – Ljubljana (Slovenia) – Zagreb (Croatia). The exhibition-maze is accompanied by the catalogs in English and German, tours, public lectures on a creative legacy and figure of Ivan Franko within the context of an intercultural dialogue among the neighboring countries. The project has been realised with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.

FRANKO:LIVE is a remastered exposition of the Ivan Franko’s memorial museum. A new tour program has been added: two theatrical tours Visiting the Franko Family and Franko’s Children about Their Father, as well as a costumed interactive game tour Fairytale World of Ivan Franko. Multimedia interactive modules (wall touch screens), containing additional video, audio and photo information on Franko and the villa-museum history, have been installed. Multimedia interactive modules (wall touch screens), containing additional video, audio and photo information on Franko and the villa-museum history, have been installed. Two books have been published: for adults – House of Franko – a Place of Power. A Guide to the Memorial Villa and for children – The House Where the Animals Could Talk. A Guidebook for Children. The project has been realised with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.